Personal and professional thoughts from David Pabst CPA/CITP | Oracle Ace PRO ♠
Promoted to an Oracle ACE! ♠
Excited, thankful, and grateful for being promoted to an Oracle Ace!
COUNTDOWN ⏰ Seven Greatest Challenges of Capital Programming
Check out my new COUNTDOWN ⏲ on where organizations struggle with capital programming.
Join my ~mingle~ session at KSCOPE21!
KSCOPE21 here we come! Join me on Wed 6/23 for a mingle session on Nimble and Dynamic Forecasting.
5-Min Interview: Harnessing Innovation & Accelerating Growth
Hear my thoughts around getting your front-line managers thinking strategically and on how to prioritize & fund the best ideas in your organization.
New Article "Life Sciences - Managing Innovation and Harnessing Growth"
My new article "Life Sciences - Managing Innovation and Harnessing Growth" gets your org dreaming where to place their big-bets!
Connected Capital Planning Article Posted!
New article on Connected Planning around rebooting your capital program processes - the Request->Project->Asset lifecycle - and how to tie it in with the rest of your organization.