Personal and professional thoughts from David Pabst CPA/CITP | Oracle Ace PRO ♠
Connected Capital Planning Article Posted!
New article on Connected Planning around rebooting your capital program processes - the Request->Project->Asset lifecycle - and how to tie it in with the rest of your organization.
I'm Famous! Interviewed on Oracle's Partner Perspectives Podcast!
Excited to be interviewed by Oracle to tell the “story behind the story” of why my client rebooted their capital programming process in the age of an awful pandemic!
New Video! Learn about Capital Portfolio Planning!
New video on what is Capital Portfolio Planning and how streamlining this key process can improve your organization’s effectiveness.
Curious about Oracle's EPM Capital module?
Come learn about the Oracle EPM Capital configuration process and how it can help you forecast your fixed assets! Earn 1 CPE.
Have you heard about Oracle's *NEW* Cloud Project Management Cert?
I recently passed the new Oracle Cloud Project Management certification and put together a few tips and tricks if you would like to take this challenge on!
Honored to be Accepted as an Oracle Ace Associate!
Honored to be accepted as an Oracle Ace Associate!