Personal and professional thoughts from David Pabst CPA/CITP | Oracle Ace PRO ♠
COUNTDOWN ⏰ Seven Greatest Challenges of Capital Programming
Check out my new COUNTDOWN ⏲ on where organizations struggle with capital programming.
Join my ~mingle~ session at KSCOPE21!
KSCOPE21 here we come! Join me on Wed 6/23 for a mingle session on Nimble and Dynamic Forecasting.
5-Min Interview: Harnessing Innovation & Accelerating Growth
Hear my thoughts around getting your front-line managers thinking strategically and on how to prioritize & fund the best ideas in your organization.
New Article "Life Sciences - Managing Innovation and Harnessing Growth"
My new article "Life Sciences - Managing Innovation and Harnessing Growth" gets your org dreaming where to place their big-bets!
Connected Capital Planning Article Posted!
New article on Connected Planning around rebooting your capital program processes - the Request->Project->Asset lifecycle - and how to tie it in with the rest of your organization.
I'm Famous! Interviewed on Oracle's Partner Perspectives Podcast!
Excited to be interviewed by Oracle to tell the “story behind the story” of why my client rebooted their capital programming process in the age of an awful pandemic!